natural magic

This blog is about me and my journey. It's a place to store my thoughts, to look back on my path and also contemplate the future of it.

Good morning world!

For the past couple of weeks I have been thinking about how to live in a more spiritual way. What changes do I need to make in my life so that I am more aligned with my spiritual beliefs? This is a long time coming and i've decided on a few small things to start changing that will have long term effects. After all, a complete upheaval of my lifestyle isn't what i'm looking for right now. These are small changes that will ensure my personal and spiritual growth remain in motion.

1. Start breaking habits. Every morning on my way to work I stop and get 2 large Tim Horton's coffee. For some reason I have conditioned myself to believe that the workday cannot get off to a successful start without this. I am going to start with not doing this for one week. I know this seems like a little thing but when you add it up, I spend around $60/month because of this habit and i'm challenging myself to not need it before I start work. I mean when you think about it and break it down it almost seems silly. How have I let Tim Horton's coffee control part of my day or my perceived outcome? I'm in control of that and to quote Clerks 2 "i'm taking it back"

To help me with this I am going to bring coffee from home with me in a travel mug. I'm not ready to quit the caffeine altogether yet. :) I've stocked up on herbal tea and have a coffee mug that I can use at work to drink it out of. I also went to the Clay Cafe (a place where you can pick out a piece of pottery and paint it. They fire it for you and you pick it up a few days later) and made myself a new mug for tea.

2. Evaluate my possessions - What I mean by this is just getting rid of stuff I no longer need. For years when I was living on my own I didn't have alot and I was perfectly fine with that. We, as a society, seem to enjoy accumulating 'things' and I seem to have fallen into that as well. So this week I am going to go through old clothes and books that I no longer need and give them to goodwill. I want to eventually get down to bare essentials in life but this is going to take time and really it is a drastic change to how i'm living now. This is why I am making small goals so that I can see my progress as I go.

These are small things that are going to start the wheels in motion. I'm excited to get started :)

Blessed Be!! )o(


I've been thinking a lot about this recently too. I might post a blog about it in the very near future.

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