natural magic

This blog is about me and my journey. It's a place to store my thoughts, to look back on my path and also contemplate the future of it.

It's 6h45 am. I'm sitting at my altar, inside my circle. It is so peaceful at this time of the morning. As I look over towards my altar I feel a sense of contentment along with that connection that I always feel deep down in side. Its the connection to the God and Goddess who sit with me. The connection to my path that will be there wherever I go and also the connection with nature that is all around us, all the time. I'm looking out my window, observing how still the tops of the trees are this morning. No wind to stir them up, the world is quiet.

I went taking picture yesterday afternoon at a local park. During this we decided to go rent a couple of kayaks from Paul and go out of the river for a couple of hours. Being in a kayak and slowly going down the river is like seeing the world from a different lens and I always come back from it feeling refreshed and re-invigorated. This is my absolute favorite way of connecting with nature.

Daily Tarot
I am so excited to share my daily tarot with you! Today was the Eight of Cups. A card that I have never got in a reading before. Imagine my surprise when I started getting into the meaning of it.

The Eight of Cups symbolizes that you are dissatisfied with your present mode of life and want something higher. You are set to abandon your daily routine of life to find it. This is focusing on the spiritual side of the heart, however. The man on the card is walking away from what he once held near and dear to him (the cups) because he now has a need for spiritual insight.

This had been the basis of my whole week last week! How inspiring to know that it's going to continue on into this week as well.

And I will leave this off my saying Blessed Be to everyone. Have a fabulous and inspiring week! )o(

Today is day three of my endeavor to stop drinking Tim Horton's coffee. Now, I did not intend to be giving up caffeine altogether but my intake has decreased so significantly that after only three (well two really, day three is just starting) days I can already feel a difference.

Michelle (MoonLitOpal) posted something so interesting in her blog yesterday....diets / food recommendations based on your Zodiac. Why hadn't I thought of this before, it makes complete sense! I started roaming around on Google looking for more information and i'm really just trying to digest it all at the moment (no pun intended) but one of the things that stood out was that it pointed out that I should limit my coffee intake because of nervousness, restlessness, overactive mind...etc. Soooo true of me! I can't focus on anything for too long and I jump from project to project. I have to say, even after two days of drinking mostly herbal tea I feel so much calmer and more focused. Not just in my work and personal life but also my spiritual life. I feel that I made a good decision to do this and really i'm looking forward to the next couple of weeks and formulating more goals for myself.

I have not started going through my things yet in an effort to minimize my build up of belongings. I have the day off of work on Friday and am leaving it for then. During my work week there really isn't alot of time in between coming home, cooking / eating supper getting ready for the next day etc. I suppose I would have some time to do this in the morning before getting ready for work but really....who wants to tackle that at 6am? I'd much rather sit here at my altar, do my daily tarot and blog :) Woot!

Which leads me into my daily tarot. Now I can't decide if i should continue drawing from both my regular tarot and my hidden path deck each day. I find they work well together and usually correspond. The hidden path deck is really intuitive and easy to interpret but the tarot is something i'm starting to dive deeper into and am loving. Also the tarot seems to relate to all aspects of my life (mundane and magickal) whereas the hidden path seems to relate more specifically to my magickal path. Maybe i'll just keep with the daily tarot and use the hidden path when I need some guidance along my magickal path. Sorry for the ramble...sometimes its easier to figure things out when you write out your thoughts.

Today's Tarot Card of the day is the Seven on Wands. This card has to do with defending your beliefs, fighting for your ideals. You have an advantage when doing this and you also have inner strength and stamina. It could mean competition in business or with personal issues, someone or something might feel like an enemy.

Hmmm....this piques my interest. I know that whatever today brings my way I have the strength and courage to defend my beliefs and my position.

Off to see what today brings!!

This morning I pulled the Sacred Site card from my Hidden Path deck. I pulled this card directly after publishing my last post. Once the meaning came to me completely, I just had to share it with you.

Some of this is directly from the book as they explain it better than I can.

The Sacred Site card is all about Focus, Direction and Alignment.

It can mean that I am going to be guided towards what I need in my current journey / quest and / or that I need to narrow my vision to discover what is at the core of what I am looking for.

The kicker about this card is this line "The material dimension exerts a great deal of energy upon the sensory elements of physical life. This can distract the soul from what it needs to seek out and experience while dwelling within a material body"

I feel as though this is speaking directly to what I want my goal to be! I am on the right path and I just need to continue on with what i'm doing.


Good morning world!

For the past couple of weeks I have been thinking about how to live in a more spiritual way. What changes do I need to make in my life so that I am more aligned with my spiritual beliefs? This is a long time coming and i've decided on a few small things to start changing that will have long term effects. After all, a complete upheaval of my lifestyle isn't what i'm looking for right now. These are small changes that will ensure my personal and spiritual growth remain in motion.

1. Start breaking habits. Every morning on my way to work I stop and get 2 large Tim Horton's coffee. For some reason I have conditioned myself to believe that the workday cannot get off to a successful start without this. I am going to start with not doing this for one week. I know this seems like a little thing but when you add it up, I spend around $60/month because of this habit and i'm challenging myself to not need it before I start work. I mean when you think about it and break it down it almost seems silly. How have I let Tim Horton's coffee control part of my day or my perceived outcome? I'm in control of that and to quote Clerks 2 "i'm taking it back"

To help me with this I am going to bring coffee from home with me in a travel mug. I'm not ready to quit the caffeine altogether yet. :) I've stocked up on herbal tea and have a coffee mug that I can use at work to drink it out of. I also went to the Clay Cafe (a place where you can pick out a piece of pottery and paint it. They fire it for you and you pick it up a few days later) and made myself a new mug for tea.

2. Evaluate my possessions - What I mean by this is just getting rid of stuff I no longer need. For years when I was living on my own I didn't have alot and I was perfectly fine with that. We, as a society, seem to enjoy accumulating 'things' and I seem to have fallen into that as well. So this week I am going to go through old clothes and books that I no longer need and give them to goodwill. I want to eventually get down to bare essentials in life but this is going to take time and really it is a drastic change to how i'm living now. This is why I am making small goals so that I can see my progress as I go.

These are small things that are going to start the wheels in motion. I'm excited to get started :)

Blessed Be!! )o(

Wow - i had completely forgot about setting up this blog here at blogger! I've been over at wordpress and honestly, have been neglecting that one for the last couple of months as well.

So in a nutshell i'm switching over to blogger. I want to use this blog as just a way to let out what i'm thinking on a daily basis about both my mundane and spiritual practice.

Well just a short entry for now, i'm off to find some super fantastic themes :)

Blessed be! )o(

(ps...if anyone wants to check out the wordpress bloggy I had going, here's the link

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